
09 Aug 2023, 14:47
📍Reminder: 1. Old $RPG tokens on ERC20 & BEP20 obtained/bought after the Updating Announcement will not be eligible to update to new $RPG 2. We do not recommend to transfer your old ERC20/BEP20 $RPG tokens to other wallet address, which the action might be seen as malicious 🌐 | Like, comment, RT 👆

Same news in other sources

10 Aug 2023, 02:58
📍Reminder: 1. Old $RPG tokens on ERC20 & BEP20 obtained/bought after the Updating Announcement will not be eligible to update to new $RPG 2. We do not recommend to transfer your old ERC20/BEP20 $RPG tokens to other wallet address, which the action might be seen as malicious
📍Reminder: 1. Old $RPG tokens on ERC20 & BEP20 obtained/bought after the Updating Announcement will not be eligible to update to new $RPG 2. We do not recommend to transfer your old ERC20/BEP20 $RPG tokens to other wallet address, which the action might be seen as malicious
10 Aug 2023, 02:58
📍Reminder: 1. Old $RPG tokens on ERC20 & BEP20 obtained/bought after the Updating Announcement will not be eligible to update to new $RPG 2. We do not recommend to transfer your old ERC20/BEP20 $RPG tokens to other wallet address, which the action might be seen as malicious
📍Reminder: 1. Old $RPG tokens on ERC20 & BEP20 obtained/bought after the Updating Announcement will not be eligible to update to new $RPG 2. We do not recommend to transfer your old ERC20/BEP20 $RPG tokens to other wallet address, which the action might be seen as malicious