How's it going Rangers,. What Makes High-Frequency Trading a Problem and Means to Solve It. What is High-Frequency Trading.

19 Oct 2022, 10:03
🚀How's it going Rangers, 📡What Makes High-Frequency Trading a Problem and Means to Solve It 💡What is High-Frequency Trading? - HFT, is a method of trading involving high-frequency financial data and sophisticated electronic trading tools to analyze markets and execute high-speed transactions 💡HFT in Crypto Space - High popularity in the crypto industry for its capability to take advantage of market volatility and make profits 💡Risks of Crypto HFT - High chance for traders to run into faulty algorithms, scams, and even illicit activities like freak trade or ghost liquidity - Market stability & Liquidity evaporation 💡Issues to Consider for Effective Crypto HFT - Trading speed may not be the dominant factor in assuring a successful HFT strategy - Economic viability of HFT transactions - Open scrutiny To Read On⬇️ See You Around, Rangers💫